Association Profiles

  • Magazine:

    HQ Profile: International Association of Young Lawyers Network, Connect & Learn

    AIJA is the only global association devoted to lawyers and in-house counsel under 45. Since 1962 AIJA has been providing outstanding international opportunities for young lawyers to network, learn and develop. Giuseppe Marletta, Association Manager, explains how the organization operates.
    8th Feb, 2017
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    Asia and Pacific Seed Association: Living in a challenging yet exciting time

    Founded in 1994, the Asia and Pacific Seed Association (APSA) is the largest regional seed association in the world with more than 600 members from more than 50 countries worldwide.
    4th Jan, 2017
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    HQ Profile: International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis

    How to serve members better
    Lisa Astorga, Director of Meetings at the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, discusses the new strategic decision of holding an annual global congress. The new format aligns with trends in global medical meetings and will allow ISTH to be more relevant in all regions of the world.
    4th Nov, 2016
  • Magazine:

    ESAE, AssociationExecutives.EU Award 2016

    An interview with Michel Ballieu, 2016 Award winner
    Michel has 45 years of professional experience. He has been an association leader and executive for non-profits, and a member of our European Society of Association Executives (ESAE, AssociationExecutives.EU) for many years. A strategic thinker and a mentor, he is now an independent association advisor focused on identifying and developing management skills for associations.
    27th Oct, 2016
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    Asia-Pacific Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (APATAP) on a steep trajectory

    The Asia Pacific Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (APATAP) is the region’s key body in promoting and developing the cross-disciplinary study and management of threatening individuals and behaviours such as stalking, harassment, and threats. Besides holding a conference on threat management, the association is also dedicated to developing a range of professional education seminars and support to academic research in the fields of its expertise. Damian McMeekin, President of APATP, gives us more insights on the association that brings together members from different disciplines.
    12th Oct, 2016
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    Challenges and opportunities of holding a conference in New Zealand

    An interview with Sione Tu’itahi (HPF)
    New Zealand will host the world health promotion conference of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) in 2019.
    5th Oct, 2016
  • Magazine:

    HQ profile: International Telecommunication Union

    Encouraging knowledge and technology transfer
    The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialised agency for information and communication technologies (ICTs). Philipp Steiner, Meetings Logistics Coordinator, explains how the organisation operates and the issues they have to deal with.
    23rd Aug, 2016
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    Asia-Pacific Association of Communication Directors communication never sleeps

    Pierre Goad, President of APACD and Group Head of Human Resources and Communications at HSBC, tells us more about promoting a pan-Asia-Pacific communication culture in an ever-globalising world.
    20th Jul, 2016
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    The Building Blocks of the Asia-Pacific Federation of Association Organizations

    One Region, One Association Community
    The Asia-Pacific Federation of Association Organizations (APFAO) had its first general meeting on April 10, 2016 hosted by the ASAE during the 2nd ASAE Great Ideas Conference Asia-Pacific in Hong Kong.
    14th Jul, 2016
  • Magazine:

    HQ Profile: Efma

    Thriving in a constantly evolving digitalized world
    Efma promotes innovation in retail finance by fostering debate and discussion among peers supported by a robust array of information services and numerous opportunities for direct encounters. Karine Coutinho, Deputy Managing Director, explains how the organisation operates.
    31st May, 2016
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    Board of European Students of Technology (BEST)

    How to manage a particular fast turnover of the association board
    As a non-profit association, headquartered in Brussels, BEST provides students several services, such as engineering competitions, extra-curricular education and career support, and reaches about 1.7 million students spread over 96 universities in 33 countries.
    22nd Apr, 2016
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    Exclusive HQ interview with Dr. Carolyn Lam

    Cardiovascular Research at the Forefront
    Dr Carolyn Lam is a Senior Consultant of the National Heart Centre, Singapore and Associate Professor of Duke-NUS Cardiovascular Academic Clinical Program, and Chairperson of the Asia Pacific Association of Women’s Cardiovascular Disease.
    22nd Apr, 2016
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    HAP Association Profile - Asia-Pacific Association for Fiduciary Studies (APAFS)

    A continued expansion of educational efforts
    The Asia Pacific Association for Fiduciary Studies ("APAFS”) is dedicated to helping fiduciaries to gather, grow, and protect assets being managed, by providing the education to make better investment and business decisions.
    12th Apr, 2016
  • Magazine:

    Associations World Congress organiser announces new brand name

    Damian Hutt, Executive Director of Associations Network which organises the Associations World Congress, today announces the organisation has changed its name to the Society of Association Executives to better reflect the organisation’s service level of a professional society.
    11th Apr, 2016
  • Magazine:

    At a later date the association may not survive

    Association executives are visionaries, leaders with implacable enthusiasm and an ability to race forward with the essentials: membership development; policy positions; service delivery; interactive and social communications; engaging effectively with the Board of Directors; and proposing events, conferences, scientific symposia or major congresses.
    4th Apr, 2016
  • Magazine:

    Beauty and challenges of VAT for Associations

    Associations are confronted with a lot of challenges: management, administration, staffing are completely different from corporate companies. But one main challenge an association is usually facing can easily go under the radar: VAT.
    4th Apr, 2016
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    HQ Profile: EPAA spearheading the Future

    The European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA) is an unprecedented voluntary collaboration between the European Commission, European trade associations, and companies from seven industry sectors.
    29th Mar, 2016
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    HQ Profile: SolarPower Europe

    Member first!
    SolarPower Europe is a member-led association representing more than 130 organisations active along the whole solar value chain Tina Stojanovic, Event Manager, tells us how they operate and what challenges they’ve had to overcome over the years.
    9th Mar, 2016
  • Magazine:

    Managing an Association Board

    How does a well-managed board become a key success factor for European associations?
    For many Association managers “managing” the board of their association is a challenging experience! They are very efficient running the day-to-day activities of their business and best practices in this field are widely shared with their peers. This is not true for tips on how to work with their board.
    18th Feb, 2016
  • Magazine:

    African Society of Association Executives (AfSAE) continues its growth path at Meetings Africa

    The African Society of Association Executives (AfSAE), first established and constituted in February last year at Meetings Africa, will officially unveil its headquarters in Johannesburg at a ribbon-cutting ceremony on the 21st February, eve of the start of Meetings Africa 2016.
    18th Feb, 2016

About Us

Supported by the Union of International Associations (UIA), the International Association of Professional Congress Organisers (IAPCO) and the Interel Group, the global public affairs and association management consultancy, Headquarters Magazines serve the needs of international associations organising worldwide congresses.